Jungo – A Card Game Full of Strategy and Excitement Jungo is a pure card game where players start with a set number of cards, and the goal is to get rid of all of them. An...

Masterkey 2.0 is a beautifully crafted puzzle where you must navigate a key through a complex labyrinth to find the way out.

Halma is a classic strategy game where the goal is to move all your pieces to the opposite side of the board before your opponents do. At the beginning of the game, players...

The goal of the game is to be the first to recreate the figure shown on a task card using your tangram set. Each figure always requires all seven pieces of a set.

This is no ordinary puzzle! 🤯 The SengSo Metallic Evil Eyes combines the shape of an Ivy Cube with a dazzling metallic finish that catches the eye.

The 24 Basketball 2x2 is a spherical twisty puzzle designed to resemble a traditional basketball, featuring a yellow surface with black channel lines.

GAN 356 ME is a limited edition 3x3 speedcube from GAN, released in celebration of the Chinese New Year.

Owls and Birds is a 1000-piece panoramic puzzle. As the night fills with birdsong, the owls drift into sleep, while curious little ones peek out of their hiding places. Our...

Imagine yourself as a Celtic noble, defending your throne from rebellious barons. Or perhaps you are the rebel, plotting to overthrow the king! This game takes you back to the...

Beyond the Horizon is a civilization game where players compete to build the most influential nation in history. Through exploration, expansion, development, production,...

In this fun game for kids aged 4 and up, each player starts with a small crocodile consisting only of a head and a tail. The goal is to feed your crocodile with animal tiles...

Embark on a breathtaking journey through Costa Rica's stunning national parks! Pura Vida is a vibrant tile-laying strategy game that celebrates the incredible biodiversity of...

Embark on a risky treasure-hunting expedition into the depths of the sea in this powered-up version of the beloved game Deep Sea Adventure. This time, players roll 3 dice and...

Your trip to Venice is almost over, and you still haven’t bought all your souvenirs! Time is ticking, and you must search the shops to find what you need before everything sells...

Azul Duel introduces new gameplay mechanics, offering more tactics and excitement than ever before. Will you prove to be Portugal’s greatest artist? Only 5 rounds of clever...

Je temné a bouřlivé odpoledne… Déšť stéká po oknech a sklo se rosí. Jak kreslíte na okno prstem, vaše kresby najednou ožívají: kamion se rozjede, raketa vyletí vzhůru a list...

Svižná verze oblíbené hry Jízdenky, prosím!, která vás zavede do hlavního města módy a hudby 70. let. Do londýnských ulic se rozlévá pohlcující rytmus rockové hudby ruku v...

Na Nidavellir, říše trpaslíků, se zanedlouho snese hněv draka Fafnira. Coby Elvalandy, velevážené členy trpasličí rady, vás král pověřil posláním.

Qwinto je karetní verzí hry v kostky Qwinto. Hráči se na individuálním výsledkovém listu snaží zapsat čísla 1-18 a zaplnit prázdná místa ve třech barevných řadách (oranžová,...

Five rows! From top to bottom. You either try playing fast and taking low values or you can try relying on hits.

Deadly Dinner - Killing Woodstock is set in San Francisco, 1970: Ten people have one goal: Reviving the legendary Woodstock Festival. A tranquil San Francisco commune, an...

Rallyman GT je návyková a jednoduchá závodní hra s velkou strategickou hloubkou. Naplánujte si pečlivě svou stopu a vypořádejte se s nebezpečnými zatáčkami, předjíždějte ostatní...
HRAS - a world of board games and puzzles
HRAS - a specialized store of modern board games, card games, construction kit and puzzles. Prague store with the possibility of pick-up of goods - Václavské nám. 38 (passage Rokoko), Prague 1.